Did you know...?

Overweight Individuals In Australia


Obesity Prevalence


Fungal Infection

Over 90%

Type II Diabetes Epidemic


Leading cause of death: Heart Disease

1 in every 4 cases

Mental Health Crisis

1 in 5 adults

"All of which are direct reflection of your lifestyle habits, that's why holistic health is NOT the best way...


- David Hozak

Top Episodes Of The David Hozak Show

Podcast About Holistic Health

Success Stories

What My Clients Say About The Experience


Is it easy?

Yes! I believe in simplicity. The last thing you want is to sign up for something that distracts you from what you want to do or something you won’t be able to stick with. I designed this program so you can get the most out of your day, not torture yourself in the gym for 3 hours everyday.

Does it work?

Not only does it work, it is life-changing. Is this a bald claim? Absolutely! This isn’t a quick fix. This isn’t about masking symptoms. This isn’t your typical fitness coaching program. This program is designed for you to learn how to completely transform your health!

Can I do it?

You can! The only thing you need is a good-enough dream! In other words, if you have a big enough dream, you don’t need a crisis. I’m going to be there with you every step of the way and by the time we’re through this you are never going to NOT know how to stay in great shape and fully enjoy the perks of your hard work!

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